Robert Szczepański - professional experience

In October 2004 I graduated from Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, specializing in computer methods in electrical engineering. The title of my MSc thesis was: Analogue circuit design with the use of genetic and evolutionary algorithms. Basic information on this topic can be found on the MSc thesis page.
If you are interested in creating a website, photo gallery or online shop, check out my CMS.
I also recommend playing my games:
These games are also available on the Google Play Store.
I won 9970 points playing ball lines. On the other hand in the checkers in my opinion, it is very difficult to win with the computer on the third level in my game. :)
My professional experience covers:
- PHP, Laravel 11, Yii 1/2, Zend Framework 1, PHPUnit, Xdebug,
- JavaScript, ES6, Vue.js 2/3, React, AngularJS, Angular 2, Node.js/Express, jQuery, ImpactJS, Google maps 3, Enzyme, jest, mocha, Testing Library,
- HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Semantic UI,
- MySQL (designing relational databases, including writing functions and triggers), PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Redis,
- configuration and administration: FreeBSD, Debian, Ubuntu (apache, MySQL, PHP, jail, NAT, ipfw, pf, cups, jabber, svn, git, rsync, ssh, postfix, dovecot, samba, ProFTPD), Ubuntu (desktop programs),
- bash (writing scripts for backup and automating tasks),
- vim, latex, git, NetBeans, PhpStorm, Visual Studio Code,
- GIMP, Dia, Diagram Designer,
- medium knowledge of: python 3, django, wdb, Symfony 3,
- basic knowledge: Apache Cordova, OpenShot Video Editor, Android Studio, ANSI C therein Win32 API, C++, Perl, golang, Java, Pascal, Asembler, MATLAB, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Kohana, Zend Framework 2, Magento 1.9 and 2.1, Joomla!, MS-Access, Oracle 11g, Ansible, docker, TALL stack (Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js, Laravel, Livewire 3), Pest, OpenLayers + OpenStreetMap,
- Windows (XP, Vista), MS-Office, OpenOffice.
My main focus and specialization are with the PHP Framework, Laravel. I also regularly work with vanilla JavaScript, as well as software like Vue.js and React. I have expert knowledge working in the Linux operating system. I pay a lot of attention to the quality of my code, so I also write tests for the software I create. My approach to coding has always been quality, not quantity.
I advocate writing code according to the TDD methodology. I believe that good code is one that has been unit tested as it is simpler to change it later. Writing tests extends the software development process, but it facilitates its future development. In my opinion, this approach is beneficial in the long run because it's evident that software will need to adapt to changing business requirements. For testing PHP, I mainly use the PHPUnit library, and my favorite framework is Laravel, which has built-in mechanisms for easily testing applications.